Kentucky Mechanic’s Lien

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Below is an overview of the preliminary steps for filing a mechanic’s lien in the state of Kentucky.


  • Upfront Notice:
    • BICA sends a Courtesy Notice.
    • Notice of Contract:
      • This notice is optional.
      • It is used to gain precedence over any subsequent mortgage taken out on the property.
      • It is required to be filed with the county.
      • If the member is a corporation, BICA would need “the name and address of the corporation’s process agent, or some other address at which service of process under the Rules of Civil Procedure may be accomplished”.
      • This notice is required to be signed and sworn to at your company. Therefore, after creating the notice, we will send the notice to you in order to complete these additional steps.
      • You can request this notice by directly emailing or contacting BICA.
  • Follow-up Notice (if not paid):
    • Notice of Intent to File Lien:
      • Required within 75 days from the date of last delivery (if claim is less than $1000) or within 120 days from last delivery (if claim is greater than $1000).
      • This notice is available on the BICA member portal.


  • Upfront Notice: Same handlings as for Commercial jobs.
  • Follow-up Notice (if not paid):
    • Notice of Intent to File Lien:
      • Required within 75 days from the date of last delivery.
      • This notice is available on the BICA member portal.


  • Upfront Notice: BICA sends a Courtesy Notice.
  • Follow-up Notice: There is no statutory follow-up notice.

Throughout our site you can find more resources on the process of filing mechanic’s liens and preliminary notices. If you’re ready to get started, be sure to reach out to us on our contact page, or call us at (800) 722-2422.